Methanol L411
SKU: L411.SIZE.500ML
Product Description:Methanol: The major end uses for Methanol are in Formaldehyde), Methyl Tertiary-Buytl Ether (MTBE) (the fastest growing segment of the Methanol market) and in the production of Acetic Acid itself. Methanol is also used in the production of Chloromethanes, Methylamines, Methyl Methacrylate and Dimethyl Terphthalate. Analysts put global methanol demand growth at a moderate 3 to 4 percent annually through 2002, while capacity could increase 5 to 6 percent per year during the period.
Total Product Size:500ml
Individual Container Size:500ml
Number of Containers:1
Shipping Conditions:RT
UNSPSC Code:12352200
UNSPSC Category:Biochemical Reagents
Hazard Class:Class 6.1
Hazard UN:UN123
Hazard PG:PGII